Susan Buchroeder, CFA
Susan Buchroeder’s areas of specialty are financial and economic research,
business valuation, and financial management. Prior to founding Financial
Strategy Group, Inc., Susan was a consulting associate with two Albuquerque
accounting & consulting firms and focused primarily on business
valuation research, analysis, and reporting.
In June 2007, she passed the last of three comprehensive
examinations in the Chartered Financial Analyst program and was awarded the
CFA professional designation.
She is currently pursuing the Accredited
Member--Business Valuation designation from the American Society of
Appraisers (ASA). Susan has completed the four principles of valuation
classes required to obtain the Accredited Member designation from ASA.
Susan holds an MBA in financial management from the University of New Mexico’s Anderson
Schools of Management. She is active in the CFA Society of New Mexico and the local chapter of the ASA. Susan is also a member of Beta
Gamma Sigma National Business Honor Society and a magna cum laude graduate
of the University of Arizona.

CFA Institute

American Society of Appraisers