industry experience fsg professionals

Business valuation is the comprehensive analysis of a company to determine its value.

Each of our valuation and consultation engagements complies with appropriate appraisal standards and is conducted to ensure an independent and objective conclusion. We adhere to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, along with ethical and practice standards issued by the Association for Investment Management and Research, the American Society of Appraisers, and the Institute of Business Appraisers.

Your business valuation report will document our in-depth analysis and calculations that support a well-reasoned and defensible opinion of value.

FSG business valuations meet various client objectives, including:

Buying or selling a business

  • consultation on negotiation
  • transaction valuation and pricing
  • purchase price allocation
  • dissolution
  • restricted stock
  • fairness opinion

Tax planning & compliance

  • estate and gift tax
  • family limited partnerships (FLPs) and LLCs
  • charitable contributions
  • S-Corp conversions/built-in gains


  • marital dissolution
  • damages and lost profits
  • breach of contract
  • condemnation/eminent domain
  • discovery, deposition and review consultation
  • arbitration

Shareholder matters

  • issuing, selling or redeeming shares
  • incentive stock options
  • shareholder disputes
  • dissenting shareholder issues
  • shareholder and buy/sell agreements
  • personal financial statements

Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)

  • purchase or sale of stock by ESOP
  • required annual independent appraisal
  • fairness opinion

Financing and operations

  • obtaining financing
  • recapitalization
  • key manager life insurance
  • insurance claims

Intangible assets and intellectual property

  • goodwill impairment
  • sale or license negotiations
  • infringement
4425 Juan Tabo NE Suite 145 • Albuquerque • NM 87111 • Phone 505.332.1700Fax